Angel Family

Angel Family

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

My sons the banshees

In September, Logan started preschool. I was worried. Would he be above his class academically? Would he be below his class socially? Would he be taller than the other kids? Would he be shorter? Would he behave himself? The list of "mom worries" could rattle on and on.

You see, my son has medical problems and is a bit on the busy side. A teacher's nightmare, right? I can't get him to sit down quietly for more than about 3 minutes. Most the time, Logan spins. If he is not running, twirling, hitting, smashing, "biffing and bashing", or screaming, I start checking his temperature. He must be sick. I can get him to sit down and read books with me pretty well, but even in that activity there is constant movement. Add people and you add energy. I often ask myself, "Is this normal or is this ADHD?" Maybe a little of both. How much activity is "normal" for a four year old?

I have this insatiable desire, as most mom's do, to have perfectly polite, well behaved geniouses. My boys are very smart. In fact, Logan, at four, is already reading books. I don't just mean through rote memorization. He is sounding out new words and figuring out the english idiosyncracies or rules that indoctrinate our language. I have also gotten many compliments about how polite my boys are. It is the well behaved portion I worry about. I cannot seem to figure out ways to calm them.

They are tornadoes. They are busy. They are boys. I get frustrated when I see other people's children sitting calmly, waiting for their parents to finish their conversations so they can move on to the next task. I get embarrassed because it is my sons who are thrashing around like a wild monkeys when my friends' children behave more like aged cats.

I know it is petty. I know I shouldn't put so much pressure on myself, or my children. I know I shouldn't avoid social invitations because I am afraid my boys will be too wild. I do though. I do put pressure on myself. I do worry that people will think my boys are wild banshees and not want them to come over and play. I want to nourish the spirits God has given them, but am, at the same time, fearful that I am not cutting it. I guess every mom goes through this, or at least I hope I am not alone... (Sigh)