At last! The day has finally come. When I first had my second son, I wasn't sure I would make it. Logan had an obvious distain toward this new being in our house. I couldn't leave them alone without fear of some form of toddler torture taking place. Logan did his best to make his brother feel unwelcome.
I guess Gavin passed the hazing though. Logan has begun to interact with Gavin, and vice versa. They look at eachother from their high chairs and just laugh and laugh. Logan searches the living room to find toys to place in Gavin's lap. Gavin, coincidentally, is making no effort to crawl. Why should he when he has his brother at his beck and call? There is even hugging. Logan can hardly go to bed most days without giving "bwudder" a hug.
That's what he calls Gavin, "bwudder". If you tell him to call him Gavin, he says, "No, bwudder". If Logan and I go upstairs, he gets insistent that we take bwudder with us. He says, "Bwudder, come on" or "Bwudder go". Heaven forbid we should leave the house without him.
I am elated. I can finally sit back and take a deep breath. I am not fooling myself into believing that there will never be conflict. Far from it. It does bring me joy, however, to know that my boys are becoming friends. I look forward to watching them grow, both as brothers, and as friends.
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