Angel Family

Angel Family

Monday, July 9, 2012

Good Bye

My grandmother, Marjorie Marie Crichton-House passed away on June 29, 2012. She was 90 years old. It was a bittersweet day for most of us. Knowing that my grandmother is sitting at the feet of Christ's throne is a comforting thought to me. It does not, however lessen the deep hole that has been inserted into my life. Grandma Marge was the anchor of our family, and fittingly so. Grandma was a WWII, Coast Guard Veteran and a devout patriot. She served her country and community with enthusiasm. I loved to hear stories about her coast guard days. She was a great storyteller. I can recall several of her stories, and hope to write them down, as I remember them. What fun it will be to pass them on to my boys. She, in and of herself, was an institution. Grandma knew how to play hardball better than anyone I knew, yet she was the epitomy of grace in action. She was one of the most forgiving people I know. We were all a little shell shocked when we realized that Grandma's time was up. We all thought my grandfather was going to depart long before her. She was the healthy, strong, and active one. God's timing is unique. My cousin Tom passed away just 4 short days after Grandma. He was part of a highway accident involving 3 semis, near Silver Creek, Nebraska. Clearly, his death was also shocking. It goes to show that we can never be certain of when our clock will issue its final tick. That realization helps me appreciate the small things in life. I will never again take forgranted the people and opportunities around me. I will say, 'I love you', a little more often. I will hug my children a little closer. Most of all, I will try and remember the Godly traits that I admired about Grandma and fold them into my countenance. Grandma taught me many lessons while she was here, and I hope to pass them on to my children. What a priviledge and a joy to have known this wonderful woman.

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