Angel Family

Angel Family

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Life with Logan.

I watched Toy Story 3 the other day and I wept. I couldn't help but connect with the story. Logan has a doll (piglet) that he carries everywhere. In the past month I have watched piglet go from being a comforting object to an important person in my son's life. Logan uses piglet to process the things that are occurring around him. The other day he sat piglet on the potty chair and told him, "pee, pee". It is a daily occurance for piglet to get nibbles of Logan's snacks, to get rocked good night, and to play with his train. Piglet is not an animal, he is a baby. Logan recently went from being the only child in a circle of adults to one of many. He is not just one in a crowd to me though. He is a very special boy.
My favorite time of day is when I am tucking Logan in at night. Not only does life get a little quieter, but there's no greater feeling than a child clinging to you, in love. He holds on like it's our last moment together. He lays his head on my shoulder, snuggles in for me to kiss him on the head, and says, "nigh, nigh". I melt. I want to hold him there, close to my heart forever. I want to forget about the moments in the day when I thought I'd lose it. If I could just freeze time and let the world go spinning by, that would be ideal.
I get a little melancholy thinking about Logan growing up. It's hard to believe that he will be two on Friday. I am sad and delighted that one day Logan will move on, grow up, and find other people to love. For now, I will cherish these simple moments that fill our lives. I know they are fleeting.