I have come here several times to write about life, but inevitably I get distracted by my friends' blogs. As I read their incredibly heartfelt and motivating words, my pen halts. I keep thinking, 'I have nothing filling my life right now that is incredible or motivating'. My days are spent battling morning sickness and fatigue, tending to my son (who, by the way, has been sick for 3 months now), juggling work and home, maintaining my marriage, and trying to find my to do list. I say that tongue in cheek. I feel secure in the fact that it is safely tucked under all of my unopened mail, which lies just beyond my son's ever stretching arms. Nevertheless, nothing spectacular, right? What a lousy attitude to have at Thanksgiving.
This year, as we approached the holidays, I was feeling a little blue. I was having a very hard time thinking about what I am thankful for. Then I thought, I have one of the most loving, encouraging, understanding, compassionate husbands in the world. He continually bends over backward to lend a helping hand. All day long he works with families that are broken, torn, and irrepairable. Does my husband come home with a heavy heart? No. He comes home holding me and my son a little tighter because he is grateful for the mundane. He appreciates the fact that there is nothing extravagant going on in our lives. Most of all, he appreciates that we are a team and we love eachother very much.
Let's not forget my wonderful son. Yes, there are times when he teaches me patience. Irregardless, that boy is a blessing. He is so inquisitive, loving and full of energy. He keeps me going even on the days where I just want to collapse. I feel an abundance of joy when I come home at the end of the day and he greets me with clapping and squeals.
The more I think about it, the more I realize that my life is incredible and motivating in its own way.