Friends every girl needs...from this girls perspective.
Everyone needs that friend who is going through the same stage of life you are. They are that friend who can share in the laughs, triumphs and in the fears. This friend gets it because they are it.
Everyone needs that friend who has been there and done that. If you are a mom, they are the seasoned veteran who knows that it is never okay to leave your baby alone on the changing table. Who, when you don't have a high chair, grab the nearest length of fabric and fasten the baby to chair. They are the one that you can call at midnight in a panic to say your kid "sounds funny" and they suggest taking them out in the night air or bringing them in the bathroom with the shower running. They help guide the path.
Everyone needs that friend who is slightly more "hype" than you are. They are the friend that knows all about the latest and greatest gadget, shoe, movie star, etc... This friend helps you step away from life and feel cool, if but for a second. They make you feel like you've visited somewhere exotic.
Everyone needs that friend who is completely opposite from you. You are clean, they are messy. You are organized, they are always six steps behind. This friend helps you appreciate a better balance and learn to compromise. They help you practice patience. Most of all, they help you truly learn to love who you are.
Everyone needs that friend who is young and single and carefree. This friend helps you get out of your bubble and experience life a little. They encourage you and remind you that you're not dead.
Everyone needs that friend who is not afraid to tell you how it is. Sometimes we spend more time in life sugar coating things, when really what we need is a big swift kick in the bum.
Everyone needs a friend who you only connect with once in a while. The infrequency of visits makes you feel like you are getting a special treat. It is fun to sit with this friend and hear the tales of eachother's life. Then feel no guilt because you know it will be a very long time before your ship's pass again.
Most of all, Everyone needs that friend who knows you more than you know yourself, will come flying across town at the most inconvenient time just to reassure you. This friend doesn't mind the lunch stain on your top, or that you haven't showered all day cause your husband is sick and you are trying to keep your head above water. This friend is the opitomy of love in action.
What does your friend list look like?
I am a lone woman in a house full of males. I am a working mom, but my family is my life. One day, it occurred to me how much life truly flies by. I was saddened by this, as there were so many things I wanted to document and share. That is why I started this blog. In this blog, I promise to be real. I promise to be thought provoking. I promise to be embarrassing. Join me as I embark on this journey of rants and antecdotes I call mommyhood.
Angel Family

Friday, October 16, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
So out of touch..
I was reading my friends blog the other day and it occurred to me how completely isolated and consumed a parent can become. I remember when I was single and childless how I would sometimes dread conversations with my "parental" friends. It seems all they could talk about was their kids. Lately, I have often found myself on the other side of the spectrum. People ask me how I am doing and my reply sounds something like, " Good, Logan slept well last night." Or, "I'm a little tired, Logan is teething right now. " Since when did my well-being depend on the temperament of someone else? November, that's when. I remember the days when I could just pick up and travel anywhere on a whim. When going to the grocery store was not a chore. When I actually enjoyed window shopping.
As a result of this inspiration, I realized that I have been neglecting the ME factor. When I got married, Aric and I agreed that we would each take time to explore and enhance our individuality. Also, we said that if we had kids, we would make a genuine effort to keep our relationship alive and vibrant. Which we have done, but maybe not as successfully as I would like.
A while back we went out on a "date" without Logan to a dinner and a movie. I sat across from my husband of just 20 months and wondered, what did we talk about before we had a kid?
Fear not, as the night progressed, we found plenty to talk about and enjoyed eachother very much. I think we both enjoyed the relaxation and "quiet" so much that neither one wanted to interrupt it. Nevertheless, one thing I learned from these two things is that Aric and I need to spend more time as a couple with some "babyless" friends. That way we will feel "normal" again.
As a result of this inspiration, I realized that I have been neglecting the ME factor. When I got married, Aric and I agreed that we would each take time to explore and enhance our individuality. Also, we said that if we had kids, we would make a genuine effort to keep our relationship alive and vibrant. Which we have done, but maybe not as successfully as I would like.
A while back we went out on a "date" without Logan to a dinner and a movie. I sat across from my husband of just 20 months and wondered, what did we talk about before we had a kid?
Fear not, as the night progressed, we found plenty to talk about and enjoyed eachother very much. I think we both enjoyed the relaxation and "quiet" so much that neither one wanted to interrupt it. Nevertheless, one thing I learned from these two things is that Aric and I need to spend more time as a couple with some "babyless" friends. That way we will feel "normal" again.
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